
Hello, My name is Vivian.

I am a somatic healer and honored to be your guide..

If you’d like more information on breathwork sessions, bodywork, sound bowl ceremonies, or guidance on your healing journey, please feel free to reach out.

I look forward to connecting with you.

Much love. We are one.

To be somatic means to be able to observe our internal sensations.

Noticing the movement of the belly, ribs and chest as you inhale and exhale.

Somatic breathing includes increasing sensory awareness to the throat, diaphragm, jaw, and shoulders as we breathe.

You see, many have lost their focus and become more interested in various breathing methods. Don’t get me wrong, they all have their advantages, but really when we are living somatically, we are increasing our awareness or mindfulness to how WE FEEL.

We live in a fast-paced society which means we often don’t sense anything from the neck down. We live in our heads all the time. When we develop somatic breathing, we start to slow down stress responses and live in the present. Thereby noticing what the SOMA (body) is telling us.

As Thomas Hanna, the creator of the modality “Somatics” says, “ If you can sense and feel it, you can change it.”

We have an amazing mind and body which can unlearn habitual behaviors. We start by adjusting the way the sensory system communicates with the motor system.

We can teach the body to breathe deeply and enjoy the health benefits associated with it.

Somatic Breath Therapy is a conscious intentional tool that assists the body to return to an open healthy breath.

Through gentle “coaching”, the body and mind learn to relax into a connected full belly breath allowing the healing of the breath system and the nervous system to work together harmoniously.

The body, through the breath, knows the way to wellness. Trusting the breath to lead the way is a key to allowing the pathway to each level of freedom in the body, mind, and emotions.

Each person's experience and journey of this unfolding is unique and individual.


Massage can decrease stress hormones, provide comfort, boost mood, increase circulation, relieve pain, and release tense muscles. Massage therapy may even help clients with trauma take control of their emotions, receive human touch, and start to feel safer in their own bodies again. It’s a beautiful modality to add to your healing journey to connect the mind, body and soul.


If you are ready to heal and change your life, I’m happy to be a guide for you.

I use your personal human design chart, somatic therapies and my intuitive abilities to help my client see their blocks and also where they can reprogram subconscious patterns.

This gives the client a better understanding to how their energy works. It also shows them how they can live to their highest potential and break free from the things that hold them stuck or powerless.


Session Prices


60 min Somatic Breathwork session $75


1 hour Massage - $85

1.5 hour Massage-$115

Employee Chair Massages -$100 hr

Consultation for Coaching - 50 min-$45

1.5- hour session $125

Group sessions:

Breathwork & Sound Bowl Healing - $25 per person

Trauma & The Nervous System

Animals in the wild, though routinely exposed to situations where they must “fight or flee,” rarely experience the effects of what we call Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This is because animals are often able to allow their bodies to complete the process of responding to the trauma.

Humans can create the PTSD response when we attempt to override our “fight or flight” instinct, either because we were trained to or because we have no other option. (For a great, in-depth exploration of this, read Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma by Peter Levine.)

For example, even a minor car accident can create the PTSD response.

Picture this: On your drive home from work, a car runs a stop sign but slams on the brakes before slamming into your car. The driver was able to slow their vehicle enough to just barely knock into your front bumper. Little damage is done to either vehicle, and no one is physically injured — but you sure felt that flood of adrenaline in your system.

Because there was little physical evidence of the accident, you override your physical experience with a mental one — you want to rationalize that the accident wasn’t that bad, so your physical response is just an over-reaction. Maybe you tell people you were “a little shaken up but feeling fine.”

That “shaken up” feeling? That’s your fight or flight response that needs you to complete the process. There was a surge of adrenaline that didn’t have an exit because you didn’t physically run or use the energy in any other way.

In the following weeks — even years — you may experience a slight burst of adrenaline when approaching stop signs or when a car passes too closely to yours.

Your rational mind will continue to want to shrug it off because, after all, it was just a minor accident and it was weeks ago — get over it!

But the effects of the experience are still trying to get resolved in your body.


The car accident example shows how even a small experience can create a PTSD response if it’s never dealt with.

In other words, the body doesn’t care how a situation “looks” from the outside; if the fight or flight response starts up and isn’t completed, then a PTSD response will be created.

And that’s why big traumas such as experiencing combat, physical assault, sexual trauma, or other kinds of abuse can cause major PTSD symptoms for years.

These include sleep disturbances, flash-backs, a state of near-constant stress, anger, depression, anxiety, irritability, chronic pain and fatigue, among many other symptoms.

*Incorporating breathwork and massage therapy into your life after a traumatic event can have a huge beneficial impact on your mind, body, soul, and nervous system.

Hello, my name is Vivian.

I am a somatic healer. I’ve have been a massage therapist for 16 years, then expanded as a yoga instructor and now breathwork practitioner.

All of these somatic healing modalities help clients who have experienced trauma, reconnect back to their bodies.

Trauma, emotions and energy are experienced and stored on a cellular level within the body.

Most trauma victims repress emotion because it’s the safest thing for them to do at the time.

Time does not “heal all”, The body keeps score.

These stored traumas, emotions, and energies subconsciously guide our day to day beliefs, ways we function, and our body.

This creates a disconnected way of existing and often manifest in my clients as dis-ease and disharmony within their bodies.


When we heal, we are in alignment with our soul, mind and body. Doing somatic therapies can help the client become whole again so they can live to their fullest potential.

We are all so deserving of feeling safe within our own bodies and living the life we’ve always dreamed of.

If you’d like to book an appointment please text 269-689-2007 and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

I look forward to connecting. 🙏🏼💗✨